The total risk in the banking sector claimed credit, including the Risk Center Banks Association of Turkey in the eyes of £ 100 million and according to the latest information on which banks and financial institutions other than credit from customers, credit allocation stage;

a) For those who are obliged to prepare consolidated financial statements within the framework of the accounting and financial reporting standards published by the Public Oversight, Accounting and Auditing Standards Authority, those who are not obliged to prepare consolidated, consolidated financial statements, are non-consolidated, prepared in accordance with the same standards and authorized by the Public Oversight, Accounting and Auditing Standards Authority. the most up-to-date financial statements audited by independent audit institutions,

b) From those who are a subsidiary of another enterprise as defined in the accounting and financial reporting standards published by the Public Oversight, Accounting and Auditing Standards Authority, the most up-to-date consolidated subsidiaries of the parent companies that comply with the definitions in the aforementioned standards have been audited by independent auditing institutions authorized by the Public Oversight, Accounting and Auditing Standards Authority. financial statements,

c) It has been prepared within the framework of the accounting and financial reporting standards published by the Public Oversight, Accounting and Auditing Standards Authority of each of the jointly controlling enterprises, which are not under the control of other enterprises alone but are jointly controlled and authorized by the Public Oversight, Accounting and Auditing Standards Authority. The most up-to-date consolidated financial statements audited by independent audit institutions, if any, and non-consolidated financial statements,

ç) The analysis table given in Annex-4, which will be prepared based on the information included in the financial statements specified in subparagraphs (a) to (c) and includes the assurance report of the independent audit firm,

d) Among the joint stock companies, the report of compliance with the corporate governance principles included in the Corporate Governance Communiqué (II-17.1), published by the Capital Markets Board in the Official Gazette dated 3/1/2014 and numbered 28871,

It must be taken by banks.

Unit financial ratios are used to analyze financial structure and performance.
Detailed information about the company's capital is obtained as a result of the analysis. The results report the adequacy level of the company's capital.

While conducting Dupont analysis, 3 different formulas are used. The three formulas used are made to present different ideas to investors. Investors discover low and high profitability aspects as a result of formulas. These formulas are as follows;

ROE = (Profit Margin) X (Asset Cycle) X (Leverage Multiplier)
ROE = (Net Profit / Sales) X (Sales / Assets) X (Assets / Capital)
ROE = (Net Profit / Capital)
Analyzes and calculations in three different ways are done to get detailed information about corporate finance. In this way, it provides investors with the opportunity to have an idea about the strengths and weaknesses of the company. Investors who receive the necessary information thus understand the financial aspects of the company that should receive information. The investments are directed after the decision of the information to be received from the company.

EBITDA هو مفهوم نعرفه على أنه اختصار لـ "الربح قبل الفوائد والإهلاك والضرائب".

EBITDA تعني "الأرباح قبل الفوائد والضرائب والاستهلاك والإطفاء". باختصار ، EBITDA و EBITDA تعنيان نفس الشيء من حيث المعنى.

أصبح هذا المفهوم مؤخرًا مؤشرًا مهمًا تستخدمه الشركة عند تقييم أدائها المالي.

EBITDA هو مؤشر على أن الوضع المالي لشركة ما يمكن مقارنته دوليًا ويعطي بعض الأفكار حول إمكانية تحقيق أرباح للشركة ، على الرغم من أن لها بعض العيوب.

في الواقع ، إذا كان هناك موقف مثل التحويل أو الاستثمار لشركة ما ، فمن الأهمية بمكان تحديد قيمة تلك الشركة.

بعض صيغ EBITDA ، بمعنى آخر EBITDA ، هي كما يلي ؛

EBITDA = صافي الربح + الضرائب المستحقة الدفع + مصروفات الفائدة + الإهلاك والاستهلاك

EBITDA = ربح التشغيل + الإهلاك أو بشكل أكثر دقة ؛

EBITDA = إجمالي الربح - المصاريف الإدارية العامة - مصاريف التسويق + الإهلاك

In the rating analysis, it is examined how a company balances its liabilities with its revenues within the framework of the risks of the operating environment, by looking at the business strategy adopted and the financial policies implemented. The ability of a company to fulfill its financial obligations is evaluated especially in terms of its cash generating power, and the quality, variety and sustainability of its revenues are determined by comparing it with the structure of its current liabilities.

The grading method consists of quantitative and qualitative factors. Analysis is carried out within three main risk categories; business risk, financial risk, ownership structure and management risk. Among the risk analysis in these three areas, financial risk analysis consists mainly of quantitative factors, while others are predominantly qualitative factors.

On the other hand, while qualitative elements such as accounting standards can be taken into account in financial risk analysis, quantitative elements such as market share in business risk can also be evaluated.

Rating analysis; It reveals the current situation of the business by making an evaluation over 100 using liquidity ratios, operating ratios, financial structure ratios, profitability ratios and growth rates, and provides ease of evaluation especially for investors. The main category consists of A, B, C, D grades and their derivatives.

The rating given to the firm refers to the evaluation in terms of financial risk only. A high rating means strengthening of liquidity and business.

For higher grade; The maturity of the checks given should be long, the operating profitability should increase and the borrowing should change from short term to long term.

In a financial context, businesses need to be able to control their investment and operating costs, reduce their financing costs, and focus on an accurate asset and resource management in order to continue their activities under heavy and variable economic conditions. It is especially important for businesses to measure and manage their operational and financial risks, as they are sensitive to systematic risks beyond their control and they make high-level fixed capital investments.

There are some useful techniques that involve simple math to help you analyze financial statements in your business.

Balance Sheet, Income Statement and Cash Flow Statement

After getting acquainted with financial statements, we use these tables to make financial analysis to find out what the numbers mean. Financial analysis in its simplest definition; It is the examination of the relationships between the accounts in the financial statements and their developments over the years in order to determine whether the financial situation and operating results of the company are financially sufficient and to make predictions for the future.

Each of the methods we will talk about in a moment will raise awareness about some trends about the financial condition of your business. The information you will gain through these methods can enable you to make changes to make your company more profitable and efficient.

It will be much easier to understand different cost analysis techniques developed by looking at how cost analysis has developed over time.

Cost analysis should include an "activity-based cost system" that not only addresses the cost of product functions, but also the cost of the system function consisting of production, marketing and service activities, ensuring product continuity. Since the activities of the firm are related to the use of the resources and activities of many different departments, it would be beneficial to implement an activity-based cost system that monitors costs, services, customers, assets used, on the basis of each product, service, customer.

Customer satisfaction is the most important point for the success of the business. Customers who are satisfied with what they hear, see and feel will come back for more. Customers will be satisfied to the extent that their expectations and requirements are met. The expectations are based on the customer's previous experience with the business and its competitors' products.

Customers are concerned with the set of priorities of the product, namely its functions, availability, performance, reliability, as well as its price and availability. In order for a business to be successful, it must be able to meet them. Because the effectiveness of organizations is measured by the ability to achieve customer satisfaction.

If Cost Management is supported by a comprehensive cost analysis and quality approach, full value for the customer will be obtained and competitive advantage will be achieved in the targeted market in line with this.

Net working capital is a company's measure of liquidity, effectiveness and overall health. Because Net working capital includes cash management, inventory management, debt management and receivable management.

Net working capital is the cash-generating power of a company's assets. NIS determines the future cash generating capacity and net present value of the company, that is, the cash generating power of the company determines the value of the company.

Net working capital is taught as "extracting current assets from short term liabilities" (NIS = Current Assets - Short Term Liabilities).

Net working capital; If the firm suddenly had to pay its short-term debts in a crisis situation, it shows how much of these short-term debts with the cash and assets that can be converted into cash.

It is also known as Ratio Analysis. What is meant by the item here are items such as current assets and short term liabilities. It is a static analysis. The purpose of the ratio analysis is to reach some important information such as the liquidity status of the enterprise, its ability to pay debt, and the type of financing.

Liquidity Ratios: Measures the ability to pay short-term debt.
Activity Ratios: Indicates how effectively the resources are used in the company.
Leverage Ratios: Measures the firm's borrowing degree.
Profitability Ratios: Measures the efficiency obtained from investments and sales.
Growth Ratios: Measures the development status of the firm.
Valuation Ratios: It is the valuation measure of the firm's performance.

The standard score is a type of standard deviation that allows us to find the probability of a value occurring in a normal distribution or to compare two samples from different populations.

With the help of the Z-Score, you can see how much below or above the numerical data in the sample set in your hand are. For this you need values ​​such as mean, variance, and standard deviation. To calculate the Z-Score, the difference between a value in the sample set and the average is first taken. Then the result obtained is divided by the standard deviation. Although it may seem like there are many steps from start to finish, it is actually a very easy process.

The Z-value allows you to determine how many standard deviations above or below the mean of a known sample in a data set.

To find the Z-value for a sample, you need to find the sample's mean, variance, and standard deviation.

To calculate the z-value, you will find the difference between a value in the sample and the mean and divide it by the standard deviation. While this method has many steps throughout, it is a fairly simple calculation.