Investment Incentive Certificate Supports

Investment Incentive Certificate Interest Support
Investment Incentive Certificate VAT Exemption
Investment Incentive Certificate Investment location allocation.
Investment Incentive Certificate Income tax withholding
Investment Incentive Certificate Customs duty exemption
Investment Incentive Certificate Insurance Premium Workers' Share Support
Investment Incentive Certificate Insurance Premium Employer's Share Support,
How to Benefit from Investment Incentive Certificate Supports?

No cash payment is made for Investment Incentive Certificate supports. Investors who invest by using Investment Incentive Certificate are obliged to pay;

They benefit from customs duty, VAT, RUSF, if any, interest support, income tax withholding.

Insurance premium starts to benefit after the Investment Incentive Certificate, which is used in employee and employer share supports, is closed. They can also benefit from investment location allocation. Investment Incentive Certificate period: 3 years. This period can be given longer depending on the size of the investment and the realization time.

Responsibility of the investor regarding the Investment Incentive Certificate:

Investment Incentive Certificate total expenditure amount content,
The minimum investment amount registered in the Investment Incentive Certificate has been exceeded,
The investment made within the scope of the Investment Incentive Certificate is able to produce,
Depending on the investment incentive certificate closing process is approved by the institution.

If the minimum investment amount of the Investment Incentive Certificate is not exceeded, the facility is not able to produce, the machinery and equipment are not at the investment site or are missing, the request for closing the certificate is not approved.

Sanction of the Investment Incentive Certificate:

All supports benefited by the investor are collected together with interest and penalties according to the state receivables law numbered 6183.

In the Inward Processing Regime, two types of inward processing measures, namely conditional exemption and reimbursement system, are applied.While the taxes arising during import are secured in the conditional exemption system, tax is collected during import in the payment system, and the tax received in the case of export of the processed product is refunded.

Benefits of Inward Processing Permit Certificate

Exemption from import customs duties, VAT, SCT and other taxes and funds.
Tax, duty and fee exemption, KKDF exemption
Not being subject to Trade Policy measures
Realization of domestic purchases within the framework of Postponement-Cancellation in VAT system
Use of discounted collateral

Firms may want to carry out a certain stage of their production abroad due to the fact that labor is cheap abroad. It is an incentive document provided by the state in order not to pay the taxes that may arise at the customs if the products sent abroad are re-imported after they are subjected to labor.

If you bring the raw materials of the products you manufacture from abroad;

Customs duty,
Value-added tax,
You can import your raw materials without paying taxes.

You can buy your raw materials without paying VAT from companies that are manufacturers in the domestic market.

Benefits of Outward Processing Permit Certificate

Within the scope of this document, you can import your products without paying an average of 5% customs tax, 18% value added tax, 3% KKDF, that is, a total of 26% tax.

To Whom Outward Processing Permit Is Given?

Since the production of the final product will take place abroad, no capacity report is required. It is a document given to companies that intend to produce in this way abroad.

It is a system for the regulation and execution of measures regarding the exemption of taxes, duties and fees in exports, sales and deliveries considered exports and foreign currency earning services and activities in order to increase exports, gain competitive power in international markets and develop export markets. In order to benefit from the aforementioned exemption within the scope of the aforementioned system, a Tax Image Fee Exemption Certificate is issued or, limited to the transactions specified in the relevant communiqué, these transactions and the papers issued for these transactions can be used without documentation if they prove that they are related to export.

The legislative foundations of this system are determined by the Decision No 99/13812 on Export, Sales and Deliveries Considered Export, Sales and Deliveries Regarding Foreign Exchange Earning Services and Activities, and Exemption of Tax, Duties and Fees, Export, Transit Trade, Sales and Deliveries Considered Export, and Tax, Picture and Activities in Foreign Exchange Earning Services and Activities. It constitutes the Communiqué on Fee Exemption (Export: 2017/4).